Working together toward a just and sustainable food system

News from the Farm


CSA Info

Think outside the box! Our CSA gives you freshness, flavor, and lots of flexibility.

CSA Resources

Have one of our CSA Shares? You'll find everything you need to know about your shares here.


Get all the resources you need to excite your community about healthy food. 


Support us in ensuring our neighbors in need  have access to healthy food.

All week I look forward to distribution day, when I get to choose from a beautiful array of vegetables, visit with my farm community and smell the earth as I pick berries, cherry tomatoes, and colorful flowers.
— Margery Groten, CSA Share Member

What We Do


We  provide weekly shares of  fresh produce, herbs, and flowers over 475 families.  Join in the bounty - become a shareholder today!


Our educational programs offer farming, gardening, cooking experiences to youth, educators, and community members.


We donate thousands of pounds of  food to shelters and emergency food providers and offer sponsored CSA shares to our neighbors.

Currently, I work as a preschool teacher in Madison, Wisconsin. My experiences at the PFP really helped to prepare me for the lesson planning, effective communication, and basic teaching skills that I utilize in my current job. I’m really grateful for my experience with the PFP and encourage others to seek out the many awesome opportunities they have there!
— Kacey Kogachi, Former Intern

Farm to fork and beyond

Food grown by the Poughkeepsie Farm Project, an agricultural cooperative launched in 1999, has long been a part of the menu at the All Campus Dining Center and at the Retreat. But the Vassar-funded hoop houses will greatly enhance the amount of fresh vegetables available to the college’s new dining service vendor, Bon Appetit Management Company, when the company commences operations in June...

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